Revenue Enablement

RevOps Managed Services

Fractional Marketing, Sales, Customer Success and Data Operations.

RevOps Transformation

People, process and system audit, RevOps strategy, road mapping and implementation.

CRM Services

HubSpot Partner Services

We're the leading HubSpot Diamond partner specialising in Revenue Operations. From initial set up to optimising your instance - we are the experts.

Salesforce Services

Quick start implementations, and optimisation for businesses on Salesforce Sales Cloud.

Marketo Services

Marketing Operations and Campaign management for busy marketing teams

Technical Services

HubSpot Web Development

SEO optimised website migrations, design, development and optimisation services.

Custom Integration

Connect technology. Allowing your data to flow, without manual work


Strategies and tactics you can use to boost your revenue.

Annual Revenue Operations Report

Learn what makes a great revenue leader including strategies and tactics proven to impact.

Revenue Attribution Models Presentation

Learn how to plan, audit, and optimize revenue attribution for your business.

RevOps Reporting for the CFO Presentation

Align your go-to-market and financial operations with this free comprehensive RevOps Reporting for the CFO Presentation.

Training & Webinars
Learn how to implement best practices in RevOps yourself.


Free tools and downloads to help you build sustainable revenue growth.

Lead Scoring Framework

The framework to score contacts, accounts and intent data to provide sales with a score they can understand.

Salesforce - HubSpot Integration Tool

Plan, map and optimise your HubSpot and Salesforce integration, with this free download.

RevOps Project Roadmap

Download our free template so you can fast-track your project planning.


Strategies and thought leadership to transform your revenue operations.

Read the blog
Get the latest industry insights and tips on how you can effectively implement Revenue Operations in your business.
Listen to the podcast
Listen to the world's first podcast that delves into the strategies and tactics behind the Revenue Bow-tie Funnel.

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Inlumi generated
an extra £140,000
in revenue

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Inlumi is a company that specialises in providing financial performance management solutions. Their team of 250+ specialists in digital transformation focus on helping organisations optimise their financial processes, improve decision-making, and enhance overall financial performance. 

With combined expertise in finance, technology, and change, they help their customers understand their data, make informed decisions, and deliver it where and when it's needed. 

They actively seek growth, value quality, and nurture meaningful relationships. Their collaborative and interactive approach ensures tangible experiences for their customers. They pride themselves on noiseless implementations, allowing businesses to focus on what they're good at.

The Challenge

Unclear impact of marketing on revenue
The client struggled to establish a direct correlation between marketing activities and revenue generation. Understanding which marketing efforts were contributing to revenue was a significant challenge.

Manual attribution problems
The absence of automated attribution processes led to significant time and resource investment in manually attributing contacts. This manual approach was not only time-consuming but also prone to errors.

Tracking webinar and event performance
The team faced difficulties in accurately tracking the performance of different webinars and events. Understanding the effectiveness of these activities in terms of lead generation and revenue contribution was a pressing issue.

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Our Solution


Automated Lead Attribution

RevOps Automated implemented automatic tracking of the first touch and last touch for every lead, providing valuable insights into their journey from awareness to conversion.

We leveraged HubSpot's capabilities to understand the exact touchpoints driving conversions, allowing for optimisation of marketing efforts and maximising return on investment (ROI).

Deal Attribution Enhancement

Enabled easy tracking of the first touch and last touch for every deal, offering valuable insights into the customer's journey from lead to deal closure.

We also mapped historic data with new sources to ensure a comprehensive view of lead and deal attribution.

Setup Event and Webinar Tracking

We introduced additional fields in event forms to facilitate self-attribution, allowing leads to specify the source of their interaction accurately.

We also implemented an automatic UTM builder to track leads generated from each source, providing detailed insights into the performance of webinars and events.

Custom Dashboards and Reporting

Our specialists created custom dashboards for lead attribution, deal attribution, live attribution, self-attribution, and UTM tracking.

This provided the team with a streamlined view of key metrics, enabling them to make data-driven decisions.

Data Import Templates

Finally, we supplied a list of import templates to simplify the process of importing data into the CRM with the correct sources, ensuring accurate attribution from the beginning.


Our impact

£10,500 saved per year

The automation of attribution processes resulted in significant time savings for the team, allowing them to save £10,500 annually.

Reduction in errors associated with manual attribution improved data accuracy.

£239M+ pipeline attributed to marketing
Enhanced visibility into lead and deal attribution provided a clearer understanding of the customer journey, and how marketing was able to create an active pipeline of  £239,808,801.79 from events, webinars, & other marketing efforts.
£143,823.12 more revenue

By understanding the performance of webinars and events, the client could optimise marketing strategies to focus on initiatives that yielded the highest ROI.

This helped them generate revenue of  £143,823.12.

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“They've assisted us in mapping and attributing historical data, as well as in developing a comprehensive dashboard and a systematic process. This enables us to accurately track conversions. Prior to their involvement, we lacked proper processes and dealt with scattered data.”

Kristin Nerman
Demand Generation Manager

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